Chipotle Cocoa Steak Tacos

Chipotle Cocoa Steak Tacos

About a year ago I came up with an amazing cocoa rub for beef. It was flipping great and like Life will have it I lost the dang recipe. So a few months ago, I went back to the drawing board. I sat down and started the research all over again. For some reason I went into the pantry to get something and I saw it… chipotles. That got me to thinking, maybe I could make a spicy mayo tonight to use with some burgers. As I left the pantry with the chipotles in hand I saw the new cocoa steak rub and I put two and two together and this is how we developed our Chipotle Cocoa Rub. It is so full of flavor but once cooked down it is light on heat. Chipotle and cocoa should be together forever just like peanut butter and jelly.
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